Heaviness when standing: varicose veins
Did you know that the heaviness in your legs when you spend time standing is a symptom that varicose veins may be appearing on your legs? When the veins become inflamed and do not return the blood correctly to the heart, the dreaded varicose veins appear. Gravity plays against us: the veins need an extra boost to return blood from the lower part of our body to the heart, so if the veins lose their elasticity and become deformed, the small valves that perform that extra work lose efficiency causing heaviness in our lower extremities, among other symptoms such as pain, tingling, swelling, cramps, etc.
You may also be interested in reading our article Varicose Veins: 7 questions to get rid of them
¿Cómo evitar la pesadez en las piernas?
- Do not remain standing, standing or sitting for long periods of time. Try to alternate with a short walk that helps you favor the circulation of your legs.
- Legs up. If you remain sitted for a long time try to use a footrest (any everyday element can act as a stool) to keep the legs elevated.
- Exercise is essential. In addition to having many other benefits, our legs will appreciate that we make a periodic routine of exercises (better daily) such as walking and stretching.
- Beware of tobacco and alcohol. It is not a secret that these two elements that surround us in our day to day are harmful to health. Legs and circulation are no exception.
- Apply light massages on legs and ankles, always upwards, from the feet to the thigh.
- Better shower than bath. Hot environments further expand the veins, damaging the return of blood. Try to finish the showers with a little cold water, you will notice the improvement.
- Pay attention to your feed. A well balanced diet, with a good dose of fruits and vegetables, as well as the banishment of processed foods (rich in salts) will prevent the progress of varicose veins. You can add vitamins E, C, B6, B9, B12 or B3, the latter highly recommended as it improves the circulation of blood in the veins and arteries.
- Visit a specialist in Angiology and Vascular Surgery to control the condition of your varicose veins. In Marbella nobody better than us to indicate the care adapted to your case or the possible treatments that you can apply to eliminate your varicose veins.
Do you feel heaviness in your legs and that affects your day to day? In IVEI – CMUC | Marbella Vascular Clinic we have the solution. Contact us by calling 663 93 93 24 or request an appointment on our website. We are your solution!